How to Submit Your Items

We’ve built out what we call the Item Queue - a place where our customers can upload images of their card, add in important information like the set, player name, and year, and get their cards ready for submission.

Are you an international submitter? Click here first >>

Prep Your Item Queue

Start by adding any and all cards you'd like to submit in your account's Item Queue. Here is where you submit a picture of the card and add all the necessary details for each item.

Step by Step:

  • Click the Add button
  • Fill out your card information and add a photo of the card
  • Double-check your information
  • Click the Save button
  • Your card is now in the Item Queue

Add Items to your Submission

Click or tap on the "+" symbol next to an item to add it to your submission. This will take an item from your Item Queue and add it to your submission, letting you pick and choose which items you want to send in.

Once You're Done, Click Your Cart!

The more the merrier when you get your cards back: We currently support up to 100 cards per order. Once you're done, click the cart button to kick off your order.

Ship & Send Your Cards

Now that your cards are selected, prepped, and paid, all that remains is to ship them. You'll receive an address label to make it easy to label your package, and a packing slip to include inside your package. Simply box up your submissions, tape on the address label, and ship it out with your preferred shipper.

NOTE: We provide you with an address label, but you'll still need to pay for shipping to us.

Await Grading & Return Shipment

Now, all you have to do is wait for your submitted cards to get graded and be shipped back to you! You can track the entire process from your account page under the 'Submitted Items' section.